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Welcome to all my new readers! I’m thankful for each of you and hope to get to know some of you better. I know a lot of people don’t like to leave comments but I do welcome them!  I thought I’d write a post highlighting some of the things I blog about here at Hall of Fame Moms.

First, remember when you “subscribe” for emails or RSS feed as an entry to a contest here, that means you must confirm with Feedburner that you have subscribed. My updates should be coming to your email or RSS feed if you have confirmed all the way through.

If I draw you as a winner and your entry says you subscribed and I check and you aren’t confirmed (my end shows me who has confirmed their subscription) then you will not win. I will draw for someone else.

So  here’s a  little about me and what I blog about…

  • I work from home and am currently featuring a Summer Series supporting other women who do too!
  • I share my reviews on:
  1. Family-friendly places to visit.
  2. Family-friendly products {from anywhere}!
  3. Resources in Stark County, Ohio .
  4. See my “Categories” list for other reviews.
  • I blog just about anything family related,  share about my faith and why I totally trust God and His Word, the bible (see my 2010 summer series 13 Saturdays to a Sharper Focus Romans 1:20). You don’t have to believe like me to get something great out of my blog, and I still care about you!
  • I’m a first time homeschooling mom! (yikes! 😉 ) Check out resources I’m finding on it.
  • I’m a rebating, coupon user type of gal. For other ways to save money click here . You’ll find more info on my specific grocery store savings here.
  • We like Wild Things too!
  • I also blog about some of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Festivities {which the 2010 Festival just started a few days ago!} since I live in the “neighborhood” 😉 .

I hope you enjoy reading my blog. I like comments too. I should tell ya that when I come across extra goodies that I don’t have time to post about I like to share them with my Facebook friends. Join my fan page here if you’d like to be kept in the loop!