Living with Less than Ideal

Living with Less than Ideal

I have often struggled with frustration about my working conditions here at home – as well as some other less than ideal situations about the condition of our old home that we didn’t realize we were going to have to deal with when we bought it. Do you find...
Making the Best Space for Working at Home

Making the Best Space for Working at Home

This is a collaborative post. Working from home has become more relevant in present times and may be something that stays with us in the future, so finding or making a comfortable workspace at home is imperative. A home workspace needs to be a calm and efficient...
My Fun New Side Hustle

My Fun New Side Hustle

So. Yeahhhh, THIS. I usually shy away from anything “direct sales” whether it’s the selling or the attending of parties. Been there, done THAT! …Mary Kay, Pampered Chef. Work from home opportunities. But somehow I was interested in seeing what...