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Some time ago we attempted to teach our boys…or perhaps just the oldest at that time…to say bedtime prayers. It didn’t turn out all that great. Somehow he’d turn it into something else and we didn’t stay regular at working with him. At least I didn’t.


Well this summer I hosted a couple “Moms of Sons” get-togethers for the purpose of getting some godly advice from one or two other moms who have already raised godly boys.


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One of the moms who shared happens to be the wife of one of our pastors. Her suggestion was to put prayer requests on little slips of papers and let the boys draw one out each night and that is what they would pray for.


My husband and I wrote up some prayer requests on slips of paper, folded them and put them in this cute tin box I had. Now the boys pick one or two at night to pray over. You can find some prayer resources here.



Suggestions for prayer requests:

  • Thank God for your family or be specific about who…mom, dad, brothers, etc..
  • Ask God to protect and provide for the missionaries…could name them as well.
  • Pray for our neighbors.
  • Pray for a sick friend or a lost loved one.
  • Ask God to help me share with my brother.
  • Ask God to help me be nice to others.
  • Pray for the Pastor.
  • Pray for Grandma and Grandpa tonight.
  • Ask God to help me obey my parents.
  • Pray for my friend “{fill in the blank}”.


As your child picks and prays over that nights request or two you might want to set that prayer request aside till you get through all the others.


Somehow our boys seem to keep picking the same ones and this has become a bit of an issue at our house. But, I do have to wonder…maybe that’s God telling them they need to pray more than once for that particular request 😉 .

Find encouraging prayer resources here.

