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My absolute favorite way to drink coffee at home is to brew a cup and pour it into a blender with about a teaspoon or two of organic coconut oil and about the same of butter from grassfed cows (I buy Kerry Gold at Walmart for about $3/8oz.).

Blending it makes it come out frothy on top!


Pumpkin Spice Thieves Coffee
I am using my affiliate links in this post.

I like the organic coconut oil and butter for not only the taste, but also, because I really think it is healthy and it doesn’t hurt my insides like straight black coffee does at times. You can do your own research on the benefits of organic coconut oil and grassfed butter.

Then I added something and came up with…


Healthy Thieves Pumpkin Spice Coffee

I recently experimented by adding ONE drop of my Young Living Thieves essential oil (stir well) into my frothy coffee and discovered it produced a pumpkin spice flavor. I now enjoy my new healthy flavor twist when I want something different! I may try some Young Living Peppermint later. I also make Thieves tea (no tea leaves involved).


If you need a bit more flavor or have a sweet tooth you can add a bit of vanilla or sweetener. Enjoy!

Do you have a favorite essential oil drink?  Tell me in the comments.


I am a Young Living distributor because I want the perks that come with it: like wholesale prices and points towards free products. If you’d like more information on the perks of being a distributor you can email me at halloffamemoms (at) My distributor number is 1590280.


*This is the Essential Oil reference guide  I use to determine what my oils are good for and if they are generally safe to consume.