Off-grid pantry planner

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Does your family love Pop Tarts? We are such a family. Our favorite is the frosted cinnamon! Sometimes I visit the Pop-Tarts website to print off their .55 cent coupons when I can find them (which double at my local Giant Eagle grocery store).  Well, sometime ago I signed up online to be a Sprinklings Mom. Today I got a taste-testers package of a new flavored Pop-Tart. Grape!

At first I was skeptical. The blueberry muffin Pop-Tarts weren’t a big hit at our house and I avoid buying them. But this grape one is  delicious. In fact, I toasted them and told the boys we were “sharing”-the 5 year old didn’t like that so I just settled for sharing one with the 3 year old.

In fact, little brother left the room to use the bathroom and I yelled in there asking if he was going to eat it (hoping he’d say no so I could finish it off)…no such luck. I was doing good to get what I could without causing tears from either one of them.

You can sign up to be a Sprinklings Mom too at Pop-Tarts website by clicking here. You’ll get to be one of the first Mom’s to taste-test new flavors and receive things in the mail.  Don’t forget to look for a printable coupon there as well. (Hint: I hit the back button to print out a second one too).

Frosted cinnamon will now have a competitor at our house 🙂