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So, I already told you I’m homeschooling my first-grader this year. Well, I have the opportunity to try and review the following products for kids. I’ll be taking some time to try them out and report back to you about our experience and my thoughts on each one.

By the way, you do NOT have to homeschool to use these! sent me their Plants Grown Up workbook & cd of printables that deals with raising sons to be godly young men. has already given me their first-grade math curriculum to download and print. has given me license to use their spelling and reading online programs. (*Watch for my review and I’ll share how you might be able to get a free license to one of their programs too).

National Geographic Kids 2011 Almanac is on its way to me. is an online educational and entertaining service for kids. Anyone can get a “free” account so I encourage you to do that. But I will be trying out their “paid/premium”  service with parental controls.  They have set me up to try this for free and I will let you know what I think of it 😉    Hint: I just set us up today and I already like the parental options I saw.  There are features in there I would NOT have expected that I’m looking forward to using.

Just FYI: We are already doing some homeschooling in our house so you can look for these reviews to start coming at you within the next couple weeks or so.  I hope you’ll stick around!

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