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Wow, has it been hot or what! Well, at least in our part of Ohio.  It was just about a week ago we had some of the greatest weather I can imagine…and now this hot spell. We’re frugal folks but not too frugal to not  put the air-conditioning on when its miserable outside. While I sit in the a/c the kids have been in the backyard (which mostly shade) playing in the sprinkler…which makes the yard muddy. But oh well.

Between all the busyness that is “my life”  I wanted to just “chat” for a few minutes.  Here are a few updates…

…I received word that my blog was chosen to be part of a Breyer’s Ice Cream review and giveaway tour which means I will be given 5 full-value coupons to give away to 5 of you. Stay tuned for more info on that.

…Remember my post about why I wanted to go to Relevant?  Well, I didn’t win the ticket (that Country Bob’s  was giving away). Thats okay though. Congratulations to the gal who won  😉

…I did apply to be a blogger for the Fox Chevy Blogging opportunity. Waiting to hear on that one.

Now a couple questions for you.

Are you following the WAHM’s & Self-employed Women’s series I’m doing each week? How about my 13 Saturday’s to a Sharper Focus series? Just curious.

I will say I had a surprisingly good turn out this past weekend regarding visits to my blog.  Do you have any thoughts about either you want to share?

Do have any questions at all for me that you think I can help with whether its about blogging, working from home, or faith?

I also want to encourage you to invite your friends (and you too!)  to “like” HallofFameMoms on Facebook. I do share the links to these posts on there and I occasionally share freebies and other money saving info that I come across. Things I don’t post about on here.

Subscribe here to get my updates by email or RSS.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.