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Last weekend our family was invited to spend the night in one of the Family Suites at Great Wolf Lodge and attend the VIP Breakfast before the Big Brothers – Big Sisters of America Waterslide-athon! kickoff. [ Oh yeah, and to play in the waterpark too!]

This was our first time ever visiting a Great Wolf Lodge. We live in NE Ohio so naturally we visited the one in Sandusky, Ohio [there are 11 Great Wolf’s in North America].

I want to share some pics and a review of the resort but I’ll save that for another day. Right now I want to share a video of Waterslide-Athon! spokeperson, Nick Lachey- who also has been working in the program as a Big Brother to a Little Brother since 2004. Nick Lachey was at the Cincinnati, Ohio (his hometown) Great Wolf Lodge for this video.  (If you’re reading this in email you will need to click through the link to watch the video).

Between all 11 Great Wolf Lodges they met their goal of raising $250,000 for Big Brothers- Big Sisters. They had more than 25,000 persons sliding the great slides logging a total 2,090 miles. (Between my husband and I we contributed 6 slides down those slides that day 😉 SO FUN!).

You can read more about the Waterslide-athon! here.

I’ll share about our trip in another post! You can subscribe here to get my updates delivered by email or RSS.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.