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3 stories today that others need to read. I want to share those links with you.

So, What About Evangelizing the Homeless?

[from Living Waters: On the Box (Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron’s Ministry]

“Service is not evangelism. Feeding, clothing, housing, and hiring the homeless is not evangelism. Loving the homeless is not
evangelism. Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims, and Atheists work hard to feed, clothe, house, and hire the homeless. Christian, without the verbal proclamation of the gospel, your efforts regarding the homeless are no different in the heart and mind of the homeless person than the efforts of the unbeliever.

Feed the homeless? Yes! Clothe and otherwise help the homeless? Yes! But if that is all you do, Christian; if you stop there; then all you have accomplished is to make the homeless person more comfortable on their way to Hell. If you give a homeless person your coat and a hot meal, but you do not give them the gospel, and if they die that night in their sleep they will go to Hell warm and filled.” … read the rest here.


Voice of the Martyrs petitioning to save her from execution…

In my VOM email newsletter I received the following news. Please take 10 seconds to sign a petition to help save a Christian mother from execution.

“Asia Bibi, a wife and mother in Pakistan, spoke out in defense of her Christian faith when Muslim coworkers mocked her and tried to force her to embrace Islam. She was later convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to be executed. She is in jail today, waiting to hear the high court’s decision on her appeal.” …  Sign the petition here at


For the Christian Mom’s out there who…

feel led by God to stay home with their children but are afraid to put their careers on hold and let their husbands be the provider God has called them to be.

I came across this mom blogger who has been sharing a series on her blog about what it took for God to get her attention about this very subject.  All of us mom’s who know the Lord are perhaps somewhere different in our journey of learning what it means for us to put first things first and trust God with everything– even the finances! Giving up our care for what other’s think of us and what the world expects of us…giving up the things of this world for something far better in our calling as godly mothers.

If this is where you are, you gotta read Jamerrill’s series. Here’s today’s post, Part 4 and the other 3 parts are linked so you’ll find them quickly in this post. She blogs at Holy Spirit-led Homeschooling. You don’t have to be homeschooling to appreciate her story.

If she didn’t strike a chord with me, I wouldn’t be telling you about her here 😉

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy self-publishes Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults now. She writes about homeschooling and just about anything related to family life in Ohio. Strong honest views will surface from time to time on topics related to truth, faith, freedom and current events. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.