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Hold that thought while I run to the kitchen and grab a couple …


I just did. I keep mine in the fridge and they are so good. All we have left is the Coconut Delight OREO Fudge Cremes because the Double Chocolate Fudge OREO Fudge Cremes were gobbled up. But that’s good news to me because that means I still have some to eat without competition from my boys. The Double Chocolate Fudge were apparently the household favorite.


I call both… yummm.


These are the two newest additions to the OREO line of cookies, suggested retail price is $4.49 per pack.  New as of August 2012.


Don’t hate me because I received a pack of each for free to review, because… well, would you turn down free OREO’s of any variety to review? Hmmm?


And opinions are my own!


*Visit for more info. Like I said, I got these free to review, opinions are my own, this is not a paid post. I love chocolate.