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Welcome to the last part of my 2012 How We Homeschool Series! I hope it’s been encouraging to you in your homeschool journey or research.


This week we are in the middle of learning about squids, octopuses, and the Hawaiian Islands and I have not spent much time at all in preparing. It just came together as I was browsing dvds and books at the library.


Jack played with toys on the library floor and Brendan played on the library computer while I browsed the shelves. Squids, octopuses, and the Hawaiian Islands caught my eye and were available. You can call that “interest-led”, even if it is mama’s interests 🙂 .


Homeschool planning doesn’t have to be all stressful. Give yourself a break. The kid will learn.


How I’m homeschooling the easy-going way.


easy homeschooling


Step #1:  I borrowed the following dvds and books from our local library:

I have been reading to the boys while they color their pages or draw pictures. Maybe even while playing Legos. I’m learning right along with them. Did you know that squids and octopuses have beaks? Yes, like a parrot’s beak. And there aren’t just squids, there are Humboldt Squids aka Red Devils, Giant Squids, and Colossal Squids! And Sperm Whales eat squids.


Step #2:  I searched and found online these free printable coloring pages:

Free printable Octopus coloring page (I wanted a more realistic coloring page. Most I found online were “babyish” but this one is not.)

Free printable Squid coloring page and one with labels  (each were about half page or less in size so I copied them onto one page after printing them out. You could cut them out for a lapbook or notebook project.)



easy homeschooling


Step #3: I plan to pull in some of the materials I already have at home.

We own books that I can use as well. Some of those books I have reviewed on my blog:  The World of Animals and The Complete Aquarium Adventure (which can be used as a curriculum too).


Step #4: If you want more meat to your unit study I have some suggestion below.

  • Go to the zoo or aquarium and see your “subject matter” face to face 🙂 .


How We Homeschool Tour & Series Introduction
Part 1:  How I Organize
Part 2:  The Goals and Chart for My Boys
Part 3:  Eclectic Homeschooling Math
Part 4:  Eclectic Homeschooling Reading, Writing & Language Arts
Part 5:  My easy, laid-back way of homeschooling Science


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**Sharing at: Homeschooling on the Cheap .
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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy self-publishes Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults now. She writes about homeschooling and just about anything related to family life in Ohio. Strong honest views will surface from time to time on topics related to truth, faith, freedom and current events. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.