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Tonight the Moms of Masterbooks are having a Facebook party to chat (and giveaway prizes just in time for Christmas!) about The Answer Book for Kids volume 5 and 6. I did received the books for free to review. Opinions are my own.  I am using my affiliate links.


Join us tonight at 8pm CST (9pm EST) at the Masterbooks Facebook page here. Be sure to refresh your screen often to keep up with the discussion!


See my review below.




I actually already own the first 3 volumes. I bought them awhile back on Amazon. Now with the two I received to review, I’m only missing volume 4 🙂 .


Click the image to check out these books on Amazon.





The Answers Book for Kids vol. 5 and 6 are new as of September this year and geared for kids ages 6-12. Volume 5 is 20 Questions from Kids on Space and Astronomy while volume 6 is 22 Questions from Kids on Babel and the Ice Age. These books are by Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge.


 Click the images to read more about these books Amazon.




The beginning of each book starts out with a letter to kids from Ken and Bodie and the gospel is presented.


Throughout the books kids and their ages are pictured next to questions (see my picture above). Scripture references are cited along with the answers.


At the end of  Volume 5:  20 Questions from Kids on Space and Astronomy a few extras are provided.

  • A page of “Yearly Meteor Shower Dates” with names such as Geminids likely to peak on December 14th.
  • A page with the “Tables of  Planets and the first 5 Dwarf Planets” which includes the average distance from the sun, number of moons, etc.
  • Two pages of definitions.


All six volumes of The Answers Book for Kids are available at New Leaf Publishing here for as low as $5.99 for digital download, $7.99 for hardback.  You can find lower prices on Amazon by clicking the images I shared above.


These would make great stocking stuffers!

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.