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How to make Thieves tea with essential oils.


I made this video back in MARCH. It was snowing this particular day in Ohio. I thought I may have already posted it to my blog but apparently not. I show you how I make a simple cup of Thieves Tea with my Young Living essential oils to help fight cold symptoms.


Excuse the noisy boys in the background; they are distracting me in this video as you’ll see 🙂 .


I have another great drink recipe to share with you in my next post!



If you liked this post you might like to read about how I pack my oils for travel.



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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy self-publishes Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults now. She writes about homeschooling and just about anything related to family life in Ohio. Strong honest views will surface from time to time on topics related to truth, faith, freedom and current events. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.