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Last month our family hit the road for just about a couple hours north to spend some time playing in the Ohio tropics of Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Ohio. While this trip was provided for us in exchange for this post opinions are my own.

First let me spill the beans about something new you may or may not have already heard about: Bug’s Burrow!

Bug’s Burrow is a NEW feature for this summer and I took a picture of the model that was sitting in the lobby at Kalahari. Doesn’t it look like fun?

Kalahari Resorts NEW Bug's Burrow for Summer 2018


I probably speak for most Ohioans (who don’t get to move south to a warmer climate during winter) when I say this has been a long long winter. I mean winter stretched into spring and then BOOM we had summer pop up. Like, hello?! But I’m not complaining!

So, it’s early May and I really hope the winter and it’s frost are all gone but I’m not planting my garden yet! This IS Ohio after all.


Take the family to Kalahari Resort in Ohio for fun!


But no matter the weather outside you and your family and friends can experience a little bit of the tropics inside Kalahari’s indoor waterpark in Sandusky, Ohio! This trip gave me an excuse to use my  new Thirty-one Beach Ready Tote, too.

Kalahari has gift shops, a newer breakfast buffet, restaurant and candy/coffee shop in the lobby area and on the lower level outside of the waterpark there is a place to get a pizza, a counter deli type place to eat, an arcade and a swim suit shop.

Inside the waterpark there are places to get food as well. You can also rent a cabana to relax and watch tv for your small group or family.

The Safari Adventures Animal Park is open certain hours.

Memorial Day Weekend: Safari Outdoor Adventure Park opens which seems to include a ropes course, zip line, and climbing walls. Ask about the Adventure Pass!


My Thirty-one Beach Ready Tote at Kalahari Resort


You can see my son and husband try the Flowrider on Youtube here. <—Subscribe to my channel while you’re there!

Visit Kalahari’s website to get more information on planning your next getaway there!


It’s been awhile but I’ve written about Kalahari before. You may enjoy learning more from our other trips:

When I visited the Spa at Kalahari

Our family’s first trip to Kalahari

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy self-publishes Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults now. She writes about homeschooling and just about anything related to family life in Ohio. Strong honest views will surface from time to time on topics related to truth, faith, freedom and current events. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.