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It’s important for busy moms (homeschooling moms for example) to find time to do something that they enjoy. In this post I’ll talk about what that is for me.

I’ve been absent from my blog for the past almost two months having a good time, taking a break.

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During that time our 11th homeschool year began with both boys in high school now and I have spent much time researching Native American Indian artifacts and watching historical documentaries.

Sound boring to you? Not me. The history and artifacts, that is.

Artifacts in a Backyard Dig

Last summer I was surprised to dig up a late archaic Plum Run flint scraper tool (confirmed by Dr. Mark Seeman from the KSU archaeology lab) in my flower bed. I shared about it in this post from our flint ridge visit but it’s also pictured later in this post below.

Featured in this post are some of the other Native American Indian finds I’ve found this year. Most were from an area about 4×4 feet wide going down about two feet. You’ll see what I’ve identified as…

~ a Native American graver

~ two possible Native American abrading stones

~ a possible Native American hammer stone or hand stone tool

~ Native American flint or chert scrapers and flakes

Possible Native American flint graver end scraper and abrading stone found in NE Ohio.

Since then I’ve continued digging in my yard elsewhere and found a number of other “Native American ” artifacts or at least items that match that typology and some other probable pieces.

If you’re interested in what I’ve found I’ve made several Youtube videos that you can check out here.

Possible Native American  Hammerstone or hand stone with most cortex worked off found in NE Ohio.

Digging that hole was hard work! In fact, I dug it down nearly two feet where I found a beautiful blue-grey turtleback scraper and then filled the hole back in. A day or so later I paid my boys to dig it back open and enlarge it for me. I worked in it for weeks enlarging the pit and raking dirt to find more possible stone artifacts.

While nothing I found is probably super amazing to those who find amazing things field walking on a regular basis, my finds are amazing to me because they are from my yard. I consider it a real gift from the Lord to let me find them!

Below is a possible Native American abrading stone which may have been used to sharpen items. I think part of the top of the stone broke off making the grooves appear not as thick now.

Possible Native American Abrading stone for sharpening bone or stone tools found in NE Ohio.

Below are a mix of flint or chert artifacts, a couple might be just flakes but I think most may be scrapers or tools at the very least.

From left to right top row:
The brown Plum Run Flint Scraper identified by Dr. Seeman at the KSU archaeology lab, the rest I have not been able to show him in part due to covid closures.

I call the next one (grey with gold/brown streaks) a turtleback scraper, next appears to be another scraper with graver points (one super sharp).

Middle row: Far left, appears to be chunky scraper, next just a flake possibly, then a larger piece that appears to me to be some kind of tool.

Bottom row: I really feel that the light colored flint or chert sliver is a tool and the black piece next to it might just be a flake.

Native American flint scrapers, flakes and possible graver, Plum Run flint, NE Ohio.

Here’s the backside of those flint/ chert pieces.

Different types of flint or chert scrapers, tools, flakes found in NE Ohio.

Here’s another image of some of these flint or chert scrapers.

Native American flint tools found in NE Ohio.

I have more to show you but I’ll save it for another post. Coming up will be the two fishing stones and more potential hammer stones and possible face carving.

Be sure to subscribe to get my updates. See the gold yellow framed box in the side bar for that. Thanks for reading today. Visit my Youtube channel to see more.

Below are some Native American Indian artifact guides:

Arrowheads and Stone Artifacts

Official Overstreet Indian Arrowheads Id & Price Guide

Arrowheads and Artifacts

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.