by Tracy Zdelar | Apr 24, 2017 | Budget Life, For Parties |
Usually for our boys’ birthdays we do a combined family birthday because their birthdays are so close.This makes it convenient for family members. However, years ago I had told them they could have a “friends” party and, well, I didn’t keep my...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 13, 2017 | Frugal Friday |
This week on Frugal Friday I’m sharing my grocery budget struggles and my January grocery budget. While my mindset and way of living has been by and large to live frugally, I am a budget beginner. I explained why this and why I can’t...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 10, 2017 | Budget Life |
In our fourteen years of marriage we have never stuck to a budget. Reason? We weren’t convinced we had the money to budget. We needed the cash to pay the bills (electric, house, gas….you get it). And, I can hear you thinking…but that’s WHY you...
by Tracy Zdelar | Apr 17, 2011 | Gifts for Kids |
*My affiliate links are used in this post. This year I plan to do something a bit different with the whole Easter basket idea. Mostly it will be traditional but I want to limit wasteful spending. Jesus’ resurrection from the grave is the real part of our...