My frugal February and more.

My husband and I started writing down all our expenses this year starting January 1st- we have a notebook just for this. I tape a business size envelope inside the back of the notebook cover to quickly stash our receipts. So, January was a great month of great deals...

Frugal Shopping Tips

I want to revisit a post or 2 of mine from the past.  Every now and then I share how I save money by using these free sites! I know learning something new isn’t always fun or easy. Believe, I know! I had to teach myself basically how to blog, how to blog with...

Frugal is Smart

Are you frugal or do you treat frugality like its a dirty word? There’s no shame in being frugal…being frugal is being smart! I probably just started getting excited about coupons in the last year or so and  really “rebating” about 2-3 years...