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Hubby and I went out to eat Friday night…by ourselves. A very rare occurrence. But a good friend (thanks Tami!) had offered to watch our kids when she heard we were going to Fedeli. We’d never been there and I’m not sure either of us really knew anything about the place…didn’t even know for sure where it was other than downtown Canton. When we arrived…we were glad we didn’t bring the boys.

Classy. Very very nice restaurant. Great decor, intimate seating, 2 floors (basement had a bar/stage- live singing). We ate on the main level and we don’t drink alcohol so I can’t speak for all of  that but the food was great! The service was great! The ambiance was great! I’m very impressed with this little hidden restaurant on Court Ave.. If you come to visit Canton, Ohio…especially during the ProFootball Enshrinement Festival you should check out this restaurant.

I got the Chicken Picatta and hubby got the Veal Picatta…came with a small salad (house dressing – very good!). We did splurge…those were not uh…frugal choices but they did have more affordable dishes too.  We didn’t go there to do a review…it was an after thought so I didn’t have my camera with me. And we didn’t know it was “First Friday” in downtown Canton either…

First Friday

So, apparently the first Friday of every month (even in winter) downtown Canton comes alive. There were outside food vendors and arts/crafts were the thing to see. We toured two art galleries (free admission)- one that was mostly artist’s own work- paintings, there was jewelry and I couldn’t tell you what all was in there and then we toured a photographic art gallery which really stuck with me.(I am a photographer at heart and have been for most of my life I guess). It was mostly black and white reprints (I believe alot of them were anyways)…some movie stars, some were obviously manipulated to look a certain way, some historical moments.

The picture that touched me the most was an enlargement of a group of men Holocaust prisoners at Buchenwald Prison. There was no date on the photo but the part in focus was so clear, like the picture was taken yesterday. The faces so alive, the look in their eyes of waiting, wondering…  I wonder if they made it out alive or if they died there. I just looked at that picture for maybe a couple minutes or more, I almost cried looking at it- but I didn’t let that happen. I soon moved on. But it stuck with me.

Usually I avoid downtown Canton like the plague. I’m glad we didn’t that night, I’m glad to see it come alive on First Fridays. It was a nice night out for us.  Apparently there was alot going on that night Mix 94.1 was live,  besides art, there was live music and you can find out more at .

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.