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Boca Beth fun

Last month Beth Butler, the Beth in “Boca Beth”, sent me a package for my boys to try out.  Beth is the founder of the Boca Beth (award winning!) Program. A program that brings the Spanish and English languages alive in a fun way for children. We received the Boca puppet, a fun maraca (rattle), a coloring book for each of them, a dvd and a cd in this package. My 3 & 5 yr old boys watched it twice the first day and once the next before we were at the store and I overheard my 3 yr old actually singing the chorus of one of the songs in Spanish!  I’m still surprised even as I type this.  It was a simple “no mucho, not much” repeated over and over. I know it may not sound like a big deal, but it was to me. He remembered it and was simply singing in the grocery store.

I really appreciate the Spanish words written out in the coloring book. In fact there was a page with a list of Spanish vocabulary words I wanted to save for future use (I’m considering homeschooling the boys’ next year). I made an attempt to put that page in a special place (it was a page in the coloring book). I’m also learning Spanish and I love that!

Kids do learn in different ways as Beth mentions in the brochure she included in this package. Some are visual, some learn through music and movement. I do believe that the more senses a child uses when learning, the better he/she will retain that information. You can see how that is possible through the Boca Beth program.

If you sign up here for her free email updates you’ll also be receiving some free printable Spanish cards for you to print at home,  some tips, and more (all in all a $299 value).

Beth is also offering a 30% off discount good for 2 weeks from today to any of my readers using this code BBFUN (not case sensitive).

BUT WAIT… she also wants to give one of my readers a FREE Boca Beth Beginner Set (click to view) valued at $31.99!

So, how do you enter to win? Simply do one or more of any of the following options AND then come back  here and leave a separate comment telling me so.  If you do all 3 you should leave 3 separate comments. Each comment counts as one entry.  If you are already signed up for these, still leave me a comment saying you are.  Here’s what you need to do?

#1- Become a Fan of Boca Beth on Facebook.

#2- Sign up for Boca Beth’s free email newsletters.

#3- Sign up for my free email/rss updates here.

Okay, now go get ‘er done! Contest begins tonight March 11 and ends March 18th at 11:59pm. Good luck! And don’t forget, if you do not win this contest you still have a week to use coupon code BBFUN to save 30% on anything at Boca Beth’s website.

“Boca Beth products are eduator-created and classroom tested.”  There are FREE online resources available 24/7 and Boca Beth’s packaging is 100% eco-friendly!

Boca Beth says…”Your child will learn more than 700 words and 250 phrases in Spanish in a few minutes of fun a day.”

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.