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I’ve come across some links I don’t want to forget about and you might want these too.

Borders “Double Dog Dare” summer reading program for kids. Print out the form found at that link, list the 10 books (any books) your child has read and fill out the form. Take it to Borders so your child can pick out a FREE bookThere are 10 titles to choose from 😉 I’m planning to do this for my oldest.

Pizza Huts’ Book-It Reading program. Since I am planning to homeschool my soon to be First Grader in the fall I was able to enroll him in the program.  The kit is shipped in September and covers 6 months of the new school year. If you’re child is enrolling in online school or going to another school environment you might not be able to enroll your child. The school itself may have to do the enrolling. Some Pizza Huts in Canada and Puerto Rico do offer this program as well. Click here to find out about the Summer Reading Program that will give kids a chance to win a prize and some other fun stuff like printables and more!

Are you a homeschooler or just want to do some fun educational activities with your children this summer? You have to know about CurrClick! I love this site! They offer very affordable and many free notebooking/lapbooking type studies that you buy online and download to your computer. Then you can print what you want to use. You might be able to buy some hard copies but you can explore the sight for more info. I’ve scooped up many many free studies and bought some affordable ones too 😉

And for more Homeschooling resources click here!

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.