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I’m writing this post  so I can enter a contest for a chance to win a ticket to The Relevant Conference coming up in October. CountryBob’s All Purpose Sauce is giving away one ticket to one lucky blogger!  But before I get to the “why” I want to go to Relevant let me ask if you’ve ever tried Country Bob’s sauce? I’ll tell you, I have. I actually won a couple bottles from 1SavingMomma’s blog giveaway months ago. Its good sauce and you can use it on everything you want.  Its been awhile since I had it (we just don’t use that kind of sauce often). However I do plan on breaking out that second bottle I won and trying it on some burgers or steak soon. Follow CountryBob’s on Facebook and Twitter . You can also check out CountryBob’s Sauce It Up Blog here.

So, Country Bob’s wants to know why I want to go to Relevant. Well, let me tell ya.

  1. Relevant will be my first blogger’s conference EVER. I’m ready to go to one.
  2. Relevant is for Christian bloggers, which I am one.
  3. Relevant is close enough (Pennsylvania) so I could drive AND take my family (I hope).
  4. I already KNOW (well I’m aquainted with 😉 ) several of the bloggers going, hosting, or speaking at this conference!
  5. PLUS, I want and need to network with other like-minded bloggers. I really really want to meet them IRL {In Real Life}.
  6. AND, I’m sure there will be things “bloggy” shared there that I could use or learn from!

So I ask you,  Country Bob, are those reasons good enough or what?  I think so, I hope you do too!

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.