I’m writing this post so I can enter a contest for a chance to win a ticket to The Relevant Conference coming up in October. CountryBob’s All Purpose Sauce is giving away one ticket to one lucky blogger! But before I get to the “why” I want to go to Relevant let me ask if you’ve ever tried Country Bob’s sauce? I’ll tell you, I have. I actually won a couple bottles from 1SavingMomma’s blog giveaway months ago. Its good sauce and you can use it on everything you want. Its been awhile since I had it (we just don’t use that kind of sauce often). However I do plan on breaking out that second bottle I won and trying it on some burgers or steak soon. Follow CountryBob’s on Facebook and Twitter . You can also check out CountryBob’s Sauce It Up Blog here.
So, Country Bob’s wants to know why I want to go to Relevant. Well, let me tell ya.
- Relevant will be my first blogger’s conference EVER. I’m ready to go to one.
- Relevant is for Christian bloggers, which I am one.
- Relevant is close enough (Pennsylvania) so I could drive AND take my family (I hope).
- I already KNOW (well I’m aquainted with 😉 ) several of the bloggers going, hosting, or speaking at this conference!
- PLUS, I want and need to network with other like-minded bloggers. I really really want to meet them IRL {In Real Life}.
- AND, I’m sure there will be things “bloggy” shared there that I could use or learn from!
So I ask you, Country Bob, are those reasons good enough or what? I think so, I hope you do too!
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Tracy Zdelar
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Yes yes – pick my hall of fame mom friend!!!