This month Courtney at WomenLivingWell is doing a month of encouraging women to make their homes a haven. Now is a great time to focus on this: kids are back at school and its fall, a beautiful time of year!
This week’s post is about what I am doing to make my home more “homey” and about what I still need to do to make it more of a haven for my family. Courtney asked us to get a large candle and light it every day. The candle not only creates a sense of warmth and coziness but serves as a reminder to us to be mindful to pray for our families and our homes every day!
What I’m doing.
- I found I had two beautiful multicolored candles (in fall colors) waiting to be used {I had forgotten about them}. I put them out on the stove top and light one every day. I do enjoy candles but since having kids I don’t use them very often anymore. I also like electric tart warmers and I have a lovely Scentsy one I can use as well. I’ve heard or read that the more senses a person uses the better he/she remembers things. I hope my children retain fond memories of home through the things they see, feel and smell as a result of living in “our” home.
- A little while back I got the “If-Then” chart from to help train up our kids “in the way they should go”. Its a discipline chart. I got the large one, had my son color the little pictures on it, I highlighted the verses, and today I just had a “meeting” with my boys about the problem areas and what would be the consequences of their actions should they choose to disobey. Now my husband and I have to be diligent to stay consistent. If we aren’t, its like “reverse psychology” I guess. What we will be teaching them is that its acceptable to disobey till the count of 3 or whatever. They will become this kind of adult later in life as well. And thats not true obedience.
What still needs done.
- I need to do a purge of unnecessary toys, stuffed animals, and paper crafts. One of my boys’ favorite pasttimes is to draw pictures and my youngest especially likes to cut them out. I struggle to throw stuff out right away because some or most of it is so cute and I want to save some. We go through paper at an alarming rate at times! I generally will keep some and put the rest into the recycling stack (when the boys’ aren’t aware). For the cute cut-outs, I will have Jack glue them into a book or something so we can save them that way.
- I need to do go through some boxes and other clutter of my own. Get out my winter clothes/put away my summer clothes and find a new home for the unneeded items. I think I will host another clothing swap at my house for this.
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Tracy Zdelar
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I’m stopping by from Works for me Wednesday. I love the idea of lighting scented candles and using that time to be intentional about making our homes cozy and praying for the family. Neat. I could also relate to your comments about all the kids’ artwork. My boys are no longer little so I have no more cute artwork 🙁 but one thing I’m glad I did way back when was save some of their larger drawings/paintings and use them to wrap gifts for far-away family. Their grandma even ironed some of their paintings and hung them on the wall of her laundry room! Made me smile whenever I saw them. I also turned some of their finer drawings into decorated pads of paper to give away as gifts — you just go over the line drawings in dark pen and bring them in to the copy shop and they can make them into pads for you. Anyway, you have a nice, homey blog here and it’s good to meet you 🙂
I love the If-Then chart and I still have our old one (although my kids are 17 and 21), just can’t throw it away yet, lol! When my children were really little we DID count to three with them, but mostly because they needed those two seconds to process what we were telling them to do. You’re right, they DID know that if we got to three they were “in trouble.”
It IS hard to get rid of things they draw and make. I have a Memory Box for each of our sons (a plastic box with a lid) and although I couldn’t keep everything from their childhood I do enjoy looking over what is in there from time to time.
I saved some really good school papers and some really bad ones, haha! Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!
I love the idea of an If/Then chart. I am participating in the challenge too. Nice to “meet” you.
I had one of the smack-myself-on-the-forehead-V8-moments when I read this! I also found a couple of fall colored and scented candles I’d forgotten (after putting my brand new vanilla candle in the living room). I couldn’t decide what to do with the found candles until I read your post. The Stove Top! Perfect! I have never put a candle on the stove top. What better place. Duh. So glad you posted this. I’m the “Why Two Monday Posts” poster on Courtney’s blog hop. Hope you’ll drop by.