Off-grid pantry planner

So I’ve told you what you could expect in this “How We Homeschool Tour & Series” and so far shared in Part 1: How I Organize and Part 2: Our Homeschooling Goals and the goal chart I made which give me a visual of where I want the boys to be by Christmas.  Today is Part 3: Eclectic Homeschooling Math.

You’ll see my nine unit shelf and a close up of my Math shelf. There isn’t much on it because I print out the lessons I want from Math Mammoth (I own a digital only version for 1st Grade and have a cd for 2nd Grade) and  any other online sources and put them in a folder marked with that boy’s name.  Now, my oldest is in 3rd Grade and I’m holding off on buying that level till he’s mastered as many of the basics I want him to have under his belt. I’m not interested in fast pacing him through all sorts of math subjects that he doesn’t need right now.

I often reflect back on my own private and public school experiences (I was never homeschooled) and there were things that I was “taught” that didn’t stick with me, that I didn’t understand then and that I do not use now. So those types of things I’m not sweating to put my boys through this young. The nice thing about homeschooling – well, one of many- is that you can’t really compare your kid to others in the class or worry about the class moving faster than your child’s ability.

Teaching Math Eclectically:

Here’s most of what’s on my Math Shelf and some of what’s not.

  • Various sets of flash cards (multiplication, addition, subtraction- check Target for $1 sets)
  • Telling Time flash cards (I’ve bought from Amazon and found for $1 at Target)
  • Dry Erase Math books
  • Egg Carton Game (for teaching Place Value- we haven’t used yet)
  • 100 Chart (free printable)
  • See my Homeschooling Pinterest Board for lots of ideas I’m storing there. That’s where I found the Egg Carton Game and maybe the 100 Chart.
  • Dry Erase Multiplication book (see my son on couch using) – bought at a dollar store I think.

I just want to stress that Target has been a great source for $1 sets of flashcards (animals, math, time, space, historical, flags…) and workbooks and (thanks to a tip from another blogger)  $1 Index Card holders/boxes (colored plastic) to use as flashcard cases! Check your local dollar stores as well for more cheap teaching tools.

Pinterest is also the bomb-diggity of resources. I follow real teachers there- lol. So if you follow my homeschooling board you’ll see what I’m pinning and might just find many things of use for your own homeschooling experience.

  • Be sure to subscribe to get my posts delivered to your email inbox. If you’ve missed a post you’ll find it below at these links:

How We Homeschool Tour & Series Introduction
Part 1:  How I Organize
Part 2:  The Goals and Chart for My Boys
Part 3:  Eclectic Homeschooling Math
Part 4:  Eclectic Homeschooling Reading, Writing & Language Arts
Part 5:  My easy, laid-back way of homeschooling Science

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy self-publishes Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults now. She writes about homeschooling and just about anything related to family life in Ohio. Strong honest views will surface from time to time on topics related to truth, faith, freedom and current events. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.