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Good news! Prices have been lowered this year. But someone will still win 4 tickets here :).


Check out the NEW features for 2013 at the I-X Center’s Indoor Amusement Park:


· NEW White Water Ride – Get Your Splash On!

· NEW Soaring Eagle Zipline – Soar to New Heights!

· Great family entertainment – NEW this year is Mutts Gone Nuts, where canines and comedy combine!

· Themed weekends including Spring Break Christian Jam Weekend (April 6 & 7) and La Fiesta Latina (April 13 & 14)

· Over 20 acres of rides, games, food and attractions for guests of all ages!



Want a chance to win?! 

Mandatory:  Just leave me a comment at this blog post (click here if you’re reading in email) telling me why you want to win! That’s it, you are entered.


Want to increase your chances of winning? Come back tomorrow and leave me a new comment telling me its your EXTRA daily entry. You can do this ONCE per day, every day the giveaway is running. Only get 1 comment/entry per day.


Giveaway begins today and ends Tuesday March 26th at 11:59pm EST.

Winner picked randomly and will be notified by email.


And don’t miss my updates! Follow me on Facebook at @1000thingstodo or @halloffamemoms .


* The I-X Center is providing tickets for giveaway and giving me 4 tickets for personal use as well for my help in promoting this event.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.