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Christmas will be here before you know it and this year I’m looking forward to working on a new project, the Hall of Fame Mom’s 2013 Christmas Gift Guide!



2013 Christmas Gift Guide



What is the Hall of Fame Mom’s 2013 Christmas Gift Guide?

Simply put, I’ve been asking groups of moms/grandmas what the most wanted gifts for boys and girls are in their opinion based on their experience. I’m seeing some of the same toys/products being mentioned over and over. I’ll share those with you.


I’ll also share with you practical gifts and maybe some cheaper alternatives for the really expensive “hot list” items.


I recommend you subscribe here to get my FREE updated posts delivered to your email inbox so you don’t miss anything!



I might even have some special giveaways too!  If you are a business/vendor wanting to submit a product for review plus one for a giveaway during my 2013 Christmas Gift Guide series you can contact me at for more information. Click the image below to get my Media Kit.


2013 Christmas gift guide series

Pre-shopping Advice (from a Mom who knows)

Finally, I want to share a bit of great practical advice about how to (hopefully) avoid wasting your money on gifts that lose their value shortly after Christmas.


One of my mom friends, whose children are mostly older now, recommended that parents buy toys that their children have actually handled and tried out – say, at a friend’s house.  Just going by tv ads or by what their friends owned had proven to be a waste of money and a disappointment.


I hope you’ll stick around.  I hope to make this a fun, informative and helpful series to help you find the perfect, affordable gifts this year!


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Sponsored gift idea:

Family Ring With Engraved
Names And Birthstones For Mom

mother's ring for gift

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.