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**Please note, I have purchased the following items for giving away and this giveaway is in no way affiliated or sponsored by VOM (Voice of the Martyrs) or Dr. Sam Gipp, author of the book.

Giveaways are open to USA residents. Winners picked by random and will be emailed. Giveaway starts now and runs about 10 days.



Enter to win.


My turn to give something of value away. This is not the kind of giveaway most of the first world will clamor for. There’s nothing materialistically awesome here. The only ones who find value in this will likely be those who understand the priceless value that lies within the purpose of these items.


Our family owns all of these products, we use all of these products and I purchased extras to giveaway on my blog. Let me tell you what they are first.



Giveaway #1

VOM, voiceof the martyrs


VOM (Voice of the Martyr) 2015 prayer calendar and Jesus: He lived among us DVD.


I love the work VOM is doing for Christians around the world serving in areas hostile to the gospel message. VOM assists Christians in their fields. I can’t personally go to these places; but, VOM makes sure Christians who care, like me, are made aware of what’s happening to our brothers and sisters in-Christ facing persecution, displacement and death. I’ve been getting VOM’s free publication in the mail for awhile now. Visit VOM at their website for more information.


In addition to their free subscription I receive (monthly?) I also signed up to pray for a specific missionary in a hostile land. They sent me a picture which I cannot share online for obvious reasons. I keep that missionary photo pinned on our “missionary board” here at home along with other missionaries to remind us to be praying for them all.


The VOM prayer calender assigns one of their prayer requests for each day of the month. There isn’t much room to write your own agendas down on the calendar because of this. This calendar is a ministry with a prayerful purpose! See a picture of the inside calendar here on my Instagram wall.


Along with the calendar I’m giving away a Jesus DVD. I ordered ours about two years ago, and I can’t tell you how many times my boys have watched it. I think it runs about 45 minutes and it’s beautifully done! Great quality!


Jesus: He Lived Among Us is a vivid retelling of the life of Christ. Told from the perspective of John as he was exiled on the island of Patmos, the story highlights the dangers that were faced by early followers of Christ and even by Christ himself. The same dangers exist today for many around the world. … [it] has been translated into eight languages, including Arabic, Chinese and Korean, and will eventually be available in seven additional languages. Hundred of thousands of these DVDs have been distributed in countries where The Voice of the Martyrs works.”

Two winners will receive one calendar and one dvd each. (Follow Rafflecopter instructions below.)


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway #2

  The Answer Book for Christians on the KJ Bible, KJV. 


The Answer Book: A Helpbook for Christians by Dr. Samuel C. Gipp.    


Three winners will receive one copy of this book.  This is a book that answers 62 questions that people have about how we can trust that the King James Bible is “the” preserved Word of God vs. modern bible versions.  


Did you know there are like 400 or so versions of the bible, or so I’ve heard? Just go to a website like and see how many versions they offer.      


Did you know they don’t all say the same thing? YIKES!  


Verses are removed, words are changed or missing. Is this really a big deal?   I think so.


God isn’t a God of confusion. He wrote us a book to give us answers (the Bible). I do believe the King James Bible is the perserved Word of God and I did a short series on it here. If you don’t agree with me, that’s fine. Please don’t try to argue it with me. If you have honest questions, ask away! I don’t have all the answers, but, I can recommend a few good books on the subject.  Our church even teaches on why we believe this – our pastors don’t want us to just assume it is, they want us to know why we can count on it.


So, I’m giving away three copies of a book that at least will break the ice on some of those questions you might have about this topic.    Follow the Rafflecopter instructions below to enter for a chance to win a copy for yourself or to giveaway!


    a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thank you for reading my blog and or following me on social media.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas!

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy self-publishes Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults now. She writes about homeschooling and just about anything related to family life in Ohio. Strong honest views will surface from time to time on topics related to truth, faith, freedom and current events. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.