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*** Most of these links have been updated in August 2024. And, by the way, my youngest graduated homeschool in May this year and is now working in his career field of choice. Our oldest had 11 yrs of homeschool and has been employed in a great job with a future also. Both boys are faithfully serving the Lord.  My husband and I homeschooled 14 years and are done with that chapter!

Stay the course parents, it’s worth it!

 As I’ve shared on my blog in the past I’m an eclectic homeschooling mom and I’m going full-on creative with our history by putting together my own “curriculum” now through high school.

History is one of my favorite subjects, though, I’m not sure if I’ve passed that down to my boys, yet.

Awhile back I asked other homeschooling parents for suggestions on history movies or documentaries and I took notes! I’m sharing the list I collected in this post with you. Note that I have not personally watched all of these.

We are in our ninth year of homeschooling, my boys are in seventh and ninth grades. I plan to use this list to search for history movies and documentaries as we need them!

In addition to using movies or documentaries I have planned for us to create our own “notebook of centuries” and I have some history cds for us to listen to. So far this school year the boys have read through all four volumes of Story of the World. We also are participating in a local library book club focusing on American disasters in history.

Homeschooling History Movies

Turn: Washington’s Spies

Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman

The Patriot


Schindler’s List

In Search of Liberty

Band of Brothers

13 Hours


Forest Gump



The Grapes of Wrath

(Series) The Men Who Built America


Little Women

Gangs of New York



Saving Private Ryan

Last of the Mohicans (this set includes Dances with Wolves)


Patriot’s Day

Zero Dark Thirty

The Diary of Anne Frank

We Were Soldiers

Flags of our Fathers

Iwo Jima


U 571

United 93

Black Hawk Down

Kingdom of Heaven


The Last Samurai

Apollo 13

The Kings Speech



The Pianist

All the President’s Men

(Ken Burns) Civil War Series

Hidden Figures

(Series) John Adams

Find history and map printables here.