by Tracy Zdelar | Jul 1, 2018 | How to..., Recipes
(Disclosure: I may earn a commission if purchases are made through some of the links in this post. See my disclosure here.) I love history and I find some antiques and vintage items quite fascinating. I’m pretty sure it’s because I grew up around...
by Tracy Zdelar | Jan 12, 2016 | Recipes
I may earn a commission if purchases are made through links in this post. See my disclosure here. The snow has finally made its grand appearance in our part of NE Ohio. Up until the past couple days, near me, we’ve had an incredibly mild winter. I mean,...
by Tracy Zdelar | Dec 23, 2015 | Recipes
I love no-thought dinners that are delicious like this easy crockpot dinner recipe of pork, potatoes with onion and radish because my life is just that busy right now. I know many of you are that busy, too! My crockpot makes my life so much easier and I intend...
by Tracy Zdelar | Dec 21, 2015 | Recipes |
My family loves Puppy Chow! Now, you may call it something else like Muddy Buddies or chunky monkey or… I don’t know, something else. Well, call me slow, but, by golly, I figured out how to make this disaster-in-the-making-delicousness in...