Holly from The Work At Home Woman.

Ahhh. You probably thought I was done with the interviews, huh? Well, nope! I have several more to go before I start on the Holiday seller’s you see off to the right. That will be a special round of interviews I want to share with for this shopping season! Why...

Cherish Bound. Working from home.

Today we are re-meeting with Dianna Kelly who works with Cherish Bound. I saw re-meeting because a couple weeks or so back I had a technical glitch and lost her interview so I’m getting it back on here. So, lets hear from Dianna about her and her business. I...
5 Ways to Succeed at Homeschooling Math

5 Ways to Succeed at Homeschooling Math

If the idea of teaching math is scaring you away from homeschooling your child let me assure you, this doesn’t have to be the case. There are many options today to help homeschool families achieve success with teaching math to their homeschooled children from...