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Its that time again. November 1st I gathered up my top 10 most read posts and top 10 referring sources from Google Analytics.

The top 10 referring sources will be pulled from the major social media and blogs sending me traffic vs. search engine organic traffic, etc..

Top 10 Most Popular Posts

#1.    Ended. Cosi Science Center Review: Dora & Diego Plus a Giveaway!

#2.    Lego Festival Coming to Cleveland

#3.   Ended. Giveaway for 2 Tickets to the Lego KidsFest

#4.    How I’m using my Border’s store-floor stand to organize my homeschool room.

#5.   What I learned from listening to a country homeschooling mama.

#6.    If the KJV is really perfect, how can so many preachers and scholars be wrong about it?

#7.   Ended. Great Wolf Lodge’s 48 hour sale! (Sandusky, Ohio)

#8.    Ended. Enter to win 2 tickets to Trick or Treat Street at the I-X Center.

#9.    I’m attending the “can’t go to Relevant this year” Blog Bash!

#10.  Pumpkin Molasses French Toast Sticks

Top 10 Referring Sources

#1.   Facebook

#2.   Raising Homemakers

#3.   Women Living Well

#4.   StumbleUpon

#5.   Homeschool Creations

#6.   Prime Parent’s Club

#7.   Swagbucks <— using my affiliate link here

#8.   Dittle Dattle

#9.   Organizing Made Fun

#10. Twitter

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy self-publishes Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults now. She writes about homeschooling and just about anything related to family life in Ohio. Strong honest views will surface from time to time on topics related to truth, faith, freedom and current events. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.